Apply for scholarships

冰球突破豪华版每年为我们的学生颁发500多个奖学金. In addition to College scholarships, there are numerous external scholarships available for you to explore.

The good news is that most of our scholarships do not require you to apply to be considered—as long as you have filed your FAFSA. 但是,我们强烈建议您填写我们的 optional application, which puts you in the running to be considered for additional scholarship opportunities 例如,这可能会考虑到你或家庭成员的雇主.

所有奖学金通知将发送到您的学院电子邮件地址. Be sure 检查你的电子邮件,这样你就不会错过任何重要的信息.


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Who is eligible?

申请器官移植联盟基金会年度奖学金的蒙大学生 are required to submit an essay sharing their/or their family's personal experience with organ donation/transplantation and must meet 符合以下所有要求:

  • 证明由学院的财政援助办公室确定的经济需求
  • Be in good academic standing
  • 参加蒙哥马利县社区学院的任何学位课程.

Steps to be considered:

Complete 冰球突破豪华版的奖学金申请.

Visit the 移植联盟基金会页面 to learn more.


Who is eligible?

申请玛丽·乔·洛夫利纪念奖学金的冰球突破豪华版学生是必需的 提交由移植联盟基金会出具的推荐信或 a copy of their volunteer application to Transplant Alliance Foundation and must meet 符合以下所有要求:

  • 证明由学院的财政援助办公室确定的经济需求
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Be enrolled in any of the degree programs of Culinary Arts, Business Administration, 办公室管理、市场营销、会计、大众传媒、网络开发 & Design, Computer Science, Computer Networking & Cyber Security Degree.

Steps to be considered:

Complete 冰球突破豪华版的奖学金申请.

Visit the 移植联盟基金会页面 to learn more.

Foundation Scholarships

我们的校友,社区成员和企业捐助者都致力于你的成功 通过他们的慷慨捐赠. 基金会奖学金是通过 财政援助办公室按照我们的捐助者指定的标准.

Who’s eligible?

Any degree-seeking Montco student registered for at least 6 credits for the upcoming fall semester.

Steps to be considered

  • File the FAFSA, 最好是在5月1日之前,以便优先考虑. 这样做时,注明冰球突破豪华版的学校代码004452.

    You may file the FAFSA at any time; however, we strongly encourage you to file prior 到5月1日,因为这是大多数奖项的截止日期 PA State Grant applicants. 请记住,还有其他机会被授予一个基金 如果资金充足,整个学年都有奖学金.
  • Fill out the optional application, which puts you in the running to be considered for all Foundation Scholarship opportunities.

Montgomery County Scholarship

Montgomery County generously allots funds via the Montgomery County Scholarship for 蒙哥马利县居民参加了蒙科.

Who’s eligible?

Degree-seeking students who:

  • 是否为即将到来的秋季学期注册了至少6个学分.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced by the FAFSA and as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.
  • Are in good academic standing.

Steps to be considered

  • File the FAFSA 最好是在5月1日之前,以便优先考虑. 这样做时请注明中冶工程的校号004452.

You may file the FAFSA at any time; however, we strongly encourage you to file prior 到5月1日,因为这是大多数奖项的截止日期 PA State Grant applicants. 请记住,还有其他获得奖学金的机会 throughout the academic year.

Honors Program Scholarships

Each semester, Honors Program Scholarships are awarded to 25 students who commit to 完成MCCC的荣誉课程并获得学位. Awards are based on merit and unmet need. 未满足需求的奖学金最高可达全额学费和课程费用. Students 谁的经济援助决定表明没有未满足的需求有资格竞争 completion-based merit scholarships provided the student meets all program requirements.

Who’s eligible?

Montco students who are:

  • 参加荣誉项目.
  • 攻读他们的第一个大专学位.
  • 每学期注册6个或以上学分.
  • 宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县的居民.


A $1,000 scholarship is awarded each year to a MCCC student selected from among those 符合条件的申请人.

Who is eligible?

Montco students who:

  • Are enrolled full time
  • 居住在下列城市之一:
    • Pottstown Borough
    • West Pottsgrove
    • Upper Pottsgrove
    • Lower Pottsgrove
    • North Coventry
    • South Coventry
    • East Coventry
    • Douglass Township (Berks)
    • Amity Township
  • 你是美国公民还是合法永久居民
  • 没有被判重罪
  • 是否曾在社区、学校或其他组织赞助的项目中执行过社区服务 service organization
  • 已证明有经济需要
  • 有波茨敦扶轮社的支持吗

Steps to be considered

Applications are accepted beginning in April and continuing through the end of June of the award year. 申请将由奖学金委员会和奖学金委员会进行评估 获奖者将于7月底前选出. 这些钱是在星期一汇到学院的 学生代表在秋季学期开始前三周. In addition to the application and supporting documentation an in-person interview may be required.

Complete the application


PO Box 227
Pottstown, PA 19464

Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (PASFAA) Scholarship

PASFAA奖学金是由协会和慷慨捐赠的 from members. PASFAA将颁发7个1000美元的奖学金.

Who is eligible?


  • Pennsylvania resident – If you are 18 years of age or older you must be a Pennsylvania resident for at least the 12 consecutive months before you file the FAFSA (excluding 任何时候你被宾夕法尼亚州的高等教育学校录取,如果你进入了 或者为了上学校或大学而留在宾夕法尼亚州). If you are under 18 years of age you must have a supporting parent or guardian who has been a Pennsylvania resident for at least the 12 consecutive months before you filed the FAFSA.
  • Enrolled at least half-time, in a degree-seeking program in a post-secondary institution of higher education OR a diploma/certificate program in the Nursing or Business Trade & Technical Sector only
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.完成30个学分或相当于的学时 申请时的高等教育专上机构

Steps to be considered

Complete the PASFAA Scholarship Application.

Additional information

  • 奖学金不可续期,但欢迎学生重新申请
  • Preference will be given to applicants attending schools that are part of the PASFAA membership
  • No more than one scholarship per year will be given to each of the following sectors: Business Trade & 技术,护理,私立四年,公立两年,PASSHE,州- Related and Graduate Schools.

Distribution of funds

PASFAA will distribute checks at the Fall Conference, if the winner or school representative is present. If not, check will be mailed. 中奖者必须提供社会安全号码 for tax purposes. 经济援助办公室必须核实学生是否注册 and in good academic standing. 这项奖学金的目的是减轻债务——确实如此 不得被学校用来代替或减少助学金或其他奖学金 funds. 如果学生在奖学金发放之前退学 applied to their account, all scholarship money must be returned to the PASFAA Scholarship fund.


The Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship supports students participating in skills-based training in cutting-edge technology 先进制造领域. 准备从事科技行业的学生, 工程和先进制造专业均可申请.

Find out more


The Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship 帮助提供通过教育进入STEM劳动力的途径 all students, particularly those from diverse backgrounds and communities historically underrepresented in STEM fields. STEM奖学金项目每年颁发1万美元 200名在四年制大学学习工程或计算机科学的获奖者 university. 获奖者最多可以续签三次奖学金 value of $40,000 per student.

Find out more


Open to Montco students who are dining facility employees of Shannondell of Valley Forge.

Who is eligible?

Montco students applying for Ann's Scholarship, Shannondell must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be in good academic standing
  • 至少兼职(6学分)
  • 至少是香农戴尔公司的兼职员工(或与之相关的员工) Valley Forge
  • 餐饮服务的非管理层小时工优先考虑 Shannondell
  • 申请人必须获得并提交香农戴尔学院的信函.R. Office indicating 他们目前的就业状况和具体的职位/角色.

Steps to be considered



Who is eligible?

Students applying for the 蒙哥马利县警长办公室大学基金奖学金 必须符合下列任何一项标准:

  • 是宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县的居民
  • 报名参加副学士学位课程
  • Active deputy Sheriff
  • 退休警官,服务了十多年
  • 警长办公室的雇员
  • An immediate family member (wife, husband, legal partner recognized by the Commonwealth, 上述任何角色的合法子女.

Steps to be considered


The Maguire Scholarship

向参与Maguire合作高中的毕业生开放 社区服务和/或课外活动,谁打算最终 转学到四年制大学,参加马奎尔大学奖学金 Program.

Who is eligible?


  • Graduate of a Maguire partner high school who intends to transfer to a four-year institution 参加马奎尔大学学者计划. Visit The Maguire Foundation 获取高中和大学的完整列表.
  • FAFSA证明有经济需要
  • High School GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Willingness to participate in academic counseling in accordance with College requirements

Steps to be considered

Complete the application

Peter M. 达菲捐赠奖学金(蒙哥马利县消防员)


Who is eligible?

MCCC students must:

  • 每学期至少报读两节课
  • 21岁以下学生优先
  • 已证明有经济需要 as evidenced by the FAFSA and determined by the Financial Aid Office.
  • Have a GPA of at least 2.5
  • Submit an essay describing how this scholarship will advance your personal and professional goals and/or interests.
  • Submit a letter of reference.

Steps to be considered


Ryan Johnson, Ph.D., Endowed Scholarship

In 2013, Dr. Ryan Johnson是MCCC波茨敦校区受人爱戴的历史学教授 passed away at 32 years of age. 瑞安是一位对历史充满热情的教育家 以及对高等教育和终身学习重要性的信念. Students eagerly signed up for his courses and fellow faculty and staff enjoyed working alongside him. 这对学院、他的亲人和哈佛大学的社区来说都是一个巨大的损失 large.

In honor of Ryan’s love of history and devotion to education, his family and friends 成立了瑞安·约翰逊博士.D., Endowed Scholarship. This prestigious award is 授予学业优秀的毕业生,对 历史课程,对继续教育的承诺,以及克服困难的韧性 obstacles. 每年,这笔资金都会直接发放到受助人的学生账户中 at the four-year institution to which they are transferring to celebrate the journey of continued education.

Who is eligible?


  • Upcoming graduating student
  • 主修历史或修满历史课程的重要学分
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA with preference to 3.5 or above
  • 面对某种逆境(例如.e. 退伍军人、单亲父母、经济需要等.)
  • 毕业后是否有转学到四年制大学的计划
  • Preference given to students from Pottstown campus however Blue Bell campus and online 学生也可以考虑

Steps to be considered

要了解更多关于该奖项的考虑,请联系Dr. Catherine Parzynski, 历史系助理教授

External Scholarships

校外有很多资源可以帮助你找到并申请奖学金 of those Montco offers.

蒙哥马利县社区学院 Scholarships and Approved External Scholarships
Before applying for external scholarships, you should first ensure you’ve completed the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) (if eligible) and have applied for all 蒙哥马利县社区学院 (“Montco”) 获得奖学金的机会 冰球突破豪华版补充奖学金申请.

冰球突破豪华版不负责任何列出的奖学金的管理 on this page. 学院没有关联的任何附属机构列出,也没有 学院是否审查所提供的机会. 冰球突破豪华版提供这些奖学金 你有机会自行研究和申请. You are encouraged to conduct your own research and review the scholarship requirements prior to completing and submitting an application.

Avoid a Scholarship Scam
不幸的是,许多学生和家长成为奖学金骗局的受害者. Protect 您和您的个人信息; if a scholarship application requires your social security number or for you to pay to apply, this is likely a scam; do not ever provide this information in an application!


如果你是通过外部机构获得奖学金的,你需要提交 upload a copy of your official notification letter as the funding must be included in your 经济资助通知书,根据联邦法规.

确保你的奖学金支票上有你的名字和蒙大学生证号码 与您的正式通知信一起发送至:

Student Payment Office
340 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

收到外部奖学金可以减少以前的资助. The College 是否总是在其他援助来源之前减少贷款资金. You will be notified of any required changes to your financial aid awards via a revised financial aid offer 信件,可透过自助服务浏览 Montco Connect.

除了下面列出的外部奖学金和搜索引擎,还有 External Scholarship Repository 适用于所有蒙大的申请人及学生. New scholarship opportunities are added regularly, so make sure to save the page as a favorite, so you can revisit it often.
